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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Notes From the Road... Cincy Comic Con 2013!

The Cromcast recently took a trip to the Cincinnati Comic Con...

And what a day! I think it's safe to say that we "pulped it out" as much as possible. Some great buys were found, some great discussions were had, and we made some new friends of the show!!! 

What kinds of finds did we run across? Who did we meet? Well, a string of images and notes follow... If you're interested, then please read on! However, if this seems like a bit of over-indulgence, then just sit tight... Episode #6 will be coming your way lickety-split!!!

The first image here is a great commission from Alejandro Bruzzese. I asked for a Red Sonya, specifically one that was "a bit more foreboding, and a bit less cheesecake..." Needless to say, you can see that Alejandro flat-out nailed it. It's already on display in Cromcast Central. 

Besides the sketch we were able to talk a bit with Alejandro about some of his ongoing work. His webcomic, Proxy, is AMAZING! Seriously, there's not much else out there that I think does such a good job of blending the weird with the psychedelic. And then, for good measure, add just a touch of horror. JUST LOOK AT THAT ALIEN! 

The next on our list is a sketch from John Sebastian...

John is a multi-faceted guy. First, as you can tell from the above work, he is one hell of a visual artist. Lots of heavy metal linework, lots of love for the genre, lots of horror. Some serious weirdifiied and pulpified goodness there. John told me he thought this could be best described as "some sort of eldrtich sorceror trying his hand at summoning an Old One..." Or something along those lines. Regardless, it is truly horrific. And excellent!

But beyond these sketches, John is also part of the Cincinnati-based band, Grey Host! Check out their Bandcamp page and you can stream their full album, Dawn for Vultures, and buy it for a mere $6. If you're into any sort of doom / sludge metal, this is some great stuff. It's been on heavy rotation for me since we left the convention. Here's the opening track from the album... Queue it up and get yer metal on! 

From our talks with John it looks like Grey Host is in the studio prepping some new material, and at least one song has some serious Conan connections! These guys have agreed to let us feature this new song in the upcoming music episode of the podcast, so be looking for a premiere release of that song right here on THE CROMCAST!

And finally...

These images are some of the books we picked up. Some great finds, both comics and prose!

Whewww, I think that about wraps it all up. What a weekend! 

See ya on the next podcast!