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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Bonus Episode: Side Quest #1 (or, The Long Con)

The Cromcast recently went on an adventure... a side quest To the 2014 Lexington Comic and Toy Con!
We're excited to showcase some of our schwag, and we were able to snap a few pictures along the way! If you're interested, then please read on! If comics aren't your thing, then just sit tight. Episode #20 will be dropping before you know it!

This first sketch was given to us by our buddy, Justin Stewart! You remember him, right? Awesome artist and fellow podcaster? We talked with him back in Episode #15 about Conan and comics! He and the rest of the Beaucoup Pop crew were holding down the "1000 section" of the con... Kentucky Proud!

And here's a Red Sonya sketch that Luke commissioned Jay Myers! Jay's another Lexington artist and, man, he KILLED it with this commission! Seriously, this guy has some chops. Check out loads of his art here!

And then we come to Stephen Moore's piece... Stevie's the brain and art behind Studiospectre. It was awesome to talk with him about weird fiction and his interest in paleo-art.You can be sure we'll be talking with Stevie down the road. But until then, you can check out some of Stevie's work here!

And one more Kentucky Proud artist! The pics above are from Sara Turner's new mini-comic, "The Boneyard!" Sara writes The Ghosts of Pineville (buy it here), which is hands-down one of the best all-ages ghost stories out there. Do you have a "weird" little niece or nephew in your life? Daughter or son? Seriously, buy them one of these books... They will love it. Or end up peeing their pants. Maybe both.

And now how about an interview photo or two?

This first photo is of Mr. Gary Kwapisz, a comics stalwart! Gary was kind enough to talk with us about his past work on Marvel's Savage Sword of Conan and also about his upcoming work, Stonewall's Arm! Gary's run in comics is amazing. Check out his body of work here!

This second photo is the hardest workin' man in the comics industry, Victor Dandridge! Victor's on the right, calling out Mark Waid and doing one of the best "bad" Schwarzenegger impressions you've ever heard. The "mic man" is our very own Cromcaster Josh,  and Mr. Smiley there is Cromcaster Jon!

As you'll hear in the interview, Victor has a hand in a LOT of projects. The guy's energy is astounding. Check out his company, Vantage Inhouse Productions here. You can get the scoop there about U Cre-8 Comics, his line of 8 bit art, and all of his company's comics work!

And finally.... How about we wrap things up with some of our biggest scores from the con....


Jon made out like a villian with a slew of some comics, and was able to get killer autographs from Jim Steranko and Mike Royer. No lie, those fellows are living legends!

In addition to some Kentucky Proud sketches, Luke was able to bag over 500 pages of The House of Mystery, as well as a collection of the first issues of the original Vampirella series. Horror anthology goodness!

All in all, the Lexington Comic and Toy Convention was a huge success. 2015 will be the fourth year for this event, and it looks to be even bigger and better, with even more guests and vendors! Be sure to keep your eye on the LCTC website and think about adding it to your calendar next spring!

Questions? Comments? Curses? Email us! (thecromcast at gmail dot com)
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Beginning theme: "Sudden Defeat" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0