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Monday, March 10, 2014

Episode 18: The Jewels of Gwahlur & an Interview with John R. Fultz!

Conan the Cimmerian, late of the Baracha Isles, of the Black Coast, and of many other climes where life ran wild, had come to the kingdom of Keshan following the lure of a fabled treasure that outshone the hoard of the Turanian kings...

Our story this week is The Jewels of Gwahlur... Or is it The Servants of Bit-Yakin? Either title works! Originally published in Weird Tales in March of 1935, you can check it out on Project Gutenberg here! Also, you can download our episode here.

We have a special guest this episode... Mr. John R. Fultz joins us!

John is the author of The Books of the Shaper, with the concluding book just coming out this Winter! These tomes are available from many fine purveyors, but to get you started, you can check out the first book here on Amazon.

Or, if you're looking for some tales in shorter form, check out John's short story collection, The Revelations of Zang, here! John keeps a blog here, but he also keeps active on other sites, publishing in the likes of Black Gate, Lightspeed and, of course, Weird Tales!

Finally, John has some great comics to check out. You can get his first issue of Primordia for FREE on Comixology here

And speaking about comics, what's that about P. Craig Russell? Ha! We think it's more like P. Craig Awesome! Check out the cover for his interpretation of The Jewels of Gwahlur...

Our next story will be Beyond the Black River. Read it here. Get ready, because it's one hell of a ride!

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Beginning theme: "Sudden Defeat" by Kevin MacLeod (
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