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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Season 2, Episode 1: The Isle of Pirate's Doom!

"Satan's throne! There is a great ruby ring you've overlooked!"

Now I looked for the first time at the face. It was a delicate oval with red lips that curled in mockery, large grey eyes that danced, and only then did I realize that I was looking at a woman and not a man. One hand rested saucily on her hip, the other held a long ornately-hilted rapier-and with a twitch of repulsion I saw a trace of blood on the blade.

 "Do you know who I am'?"

"There could be only one name you could wear-what with your foppery and cold-blooded manner."

"And that's-?"

"Helen Tavrel."

Garrgghhh! Here be a pirate's tale for ye!!!

We kick off Season 2 with the tale of Helen Tavrel.... Download the episode directly here!

REH wrote this tale back in the '20's, but it didn't see print until a chapbook in 1975. The art from that publication (see above) was from Steve Fabian. You can read the story on Wikisource, or it has been recently included in a collection offered by the Robert E. Howard Foundation!

Looking to listen to some classic pulp stories? Check out Protecting Project Pulp!

Looking for some great music? Check out Flogging Molly! We close out the episode with a portion of "Seven Deadly Sins," which is the sea shanty to end all sea shanties! Within a Mile from Home is an unbelievable album and, if you're inclined towards the punk or a bit o' the Irish, it belongs in your collection. Pick it up directly from the band here, or if you get the chance, be sure to check 'em out if they have a show in your area!

Thanks for listening, ye scurvy lads and lassies!

We hope you're reading along with us! Our next story with be The Sword Woman. There's lots of publication options for this story, so dig it up at your local bookstore!

This episode is freely available on and is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0. Beginning theme: "Sudden Defeat" by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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The music included in this episode's discussion is used without the permission of the creators. All music was obtained legally. We hope our discussion of this content makes you want to go out and purchase their work. Support the artists!