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Friday, August 21, 2015

Season 4 Episode 1: Howard and Atlantis (with special guests Jeffrey Shanks, Mark Finn, and Rusty Burke!)

Welcome back, Cromrades! Do we have a doozy of an episode for you! Joining us for the first half of the episode are three huge contributors to Robert E. Howard studies and pulp scholarship, Jeffrey Shanks, Mark Finn, and Rusty Burke! These three literary barbarians are in Providence, RI attending NecronomiCon representing the Robert E. Howard Foundation! If you're there, stop by and say hello! (Also take a selfie with them and tweet it at us! We'd like to make "REH Scholar Selfies" a thing.)

Consummate professionals at work!
Rusty says get your ass over to the Robert E. Howard Foundation website and sign up for a membership! There are different pay tiers that net you various benefits, as well as the regular membership which is free! It's a great way to support REH research and history, and to get familiar with current foundation activity!

Jeffrey co-edited a book forthcoming from Rowman & Littlefield alongside Justin Everett titled The Unique Legacy of Weird Tales: The Evolution of Modern Fantasy and Horror. It's pricy, but will be a great addition to anyone's pulp research library!

Mark has been productive as well! Check out his contributions to the anthologies Barbarian Crowns, HEROIKA Vol. 1: Dragon Eaters, and Asian Pulp!

Plus, these guys are part of a dynamic team collaborating on the new CONAN RPG from Modiphius Entertainment! If you haven't looked this thing over by now, by Crom's beard, what are you waiting for?

Check out Rob P's Lovecraftian music project, Innsmouth Gold! (Many thanks for the One Thing intros!)

One Things
Jon - The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Josh - Documentary, "The Imposter"
Luke - Advanced Demonology podcast, a straight up rock 'n roll podcast - good times, no hassle!

You can get Brian Keene's barbaric new book "King of the Bastards" from Apex Publications for 50% off if you use promo code CROMCAST at checkout. We get nothing, but YOU get a deal! If you take advantage of the promo, be sure and let us know what you think of the book!

This episode was based on REH's Hyborian Age and L. Sprague de Camp's Atlantis essay. You can find his book, "Lost Continents" from Dover Press! You should also check out Jeffrey Shanks' recent essay about Howard's world building on Black Gate!

Be sure to check out the reading list for this season! Let us know what you think, and we'll see you on down the road!

Our episode is freely available on and is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0.
Beginning theme: "Sudden Defeat" by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0.

Closing theme: "From Shores Forsaken" by Atlantean Kodex.

Questions? Comments? Curses? Email us! (thecromcast at gmail dot com)

Leave us a voice mail! (859) 429-CROM! (That's 859-429-2766)

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