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Friday, December 13, 2013

Art Party Friday: Dec. 13, 2013

Hello Cromrades! It is I, Jon! I am here to show off some cool Howard inspired art I have found in my wanderings on the internet. If you have any art you wish to share, be you the creator or just an admirer, please do email us at with the image and source and we will try to feature it here on the blog! Also, please visit one or all of the sites for these talented folks. You can always find art for purchase, prints, or even coffee mugs to buy!

The first piece comes from a listener and artist, Rick Lacy! It's a digital sketch of Conan and I have to say, it's pretty rad! If you are an artist and would like your work featured here, please don't be bashful! Send 'em in and I will post them with high praise!

Conan the Barbarian by Rick Lacy
Be sure to check on Rick's comic Drawing Lance, it's barbarous fun! 

Conan the Barbarian
(part of a 1970's black light poster series)
Art by Barry Windsor Smith
Info on posters:

Conan in battle against the "ape-demon"
Art by Richard Corben

Belit: Queen of the Black Coast by Chris Samnee

Red Sonya by Esteban Maroto

Kirby O'Donnell by Timothy Bradstreet

Queen of the Black Coast by Becky Cloonan
Buy Ms. Cloonan's award winning, awesome to read, pretty to behold, and all digital comic,The Mire:

That's all for this week my fellow art aficionados! Please join us here at The Cromcast next week for our latest and greatest episode!

All images are the property of the artists/companies they work with.