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Monday, January 27, 2014

Episode 15: Savage Sword of Comics! (Or, Conan vs. Sequential Art)

This week we take a look at the history of Conan comics, in particular The Savage Sword of Conan from Marvel Comics. With some help from our good friend Justin Stewart we discuss Roy Thomas as an adapter and as a creator, the artistic differences between Barry Windsor-Smith and John Buscema, and finally talk about comic book inking and comparing Alfredo Alcala and Tony Dezuniga!

The stories for the week are...

The Frost Giants Daughter, The Citadel at the Center of Time, and The Flame Knife!

Here is some original art by Buscema and Alcala from The Citadel at the Center of Time:

If you are interested in reading any of the articles we discuss, check out the following links:

Tom Scioli article on Barry Windsor Smith

Roy Thomas interviews John Buscema

Great moments in Savage Sword of Conan!

If you want some digital Conan goodness, here is the Dark Horse Comics digital app!

Thanks again to Justin for agreeing to do a show with us!

Pretty great sketch, huh? That's from his "Inktober" Project that we discuss on the episode. Check out this project and his larger body of work at his website. Or just pester him on the Twitter (@justin3000). He'd love that.

Our next story is The People of the Black Circle (read it on Project Gutenberg Australia).

Beginning theme: "Sudden Defeat" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
The ending theme was pulled from the Youtube and used without permission.

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